Alive, But Not Alive

When living to always remember not to get lost in the glitter of the world. Why?

when the world says; sex is important, dugem is important, drugs are important, sin is important, if not then I'm dizzy. Well all of that, besides damaging health, also affects the life after, in the Hereafter.

This means that because of the life of the world, seeing the glitter of the world, we don't know the importance of the next life, we don't know the importance of the Hereafter. So by living, you become unliving. What does that mean?

Do you think there is no life after this world? Of course there is! There will be recompense for the wrongdoers and reward for the righteous.

There are two reasons for being ignorant: firstly, because of knowing, one becomes ignorant. Second; because of not knowing, one becomes ignorant.

For example, if a person stares at a beautiful girl, and because he's focused on looking at the girl, he doesn't see a rock, and he ends up tripping over it. This means that because he saw the pretty girl, he didn't know (there was a rock). It's something like that.

Because once you characterise this world as important, you'll forget to characterise the Hereafter as important. And that's the beginning of you slipping from the right path. So the Sufis say with a saying; "Man is sleeping, when he dies he wakes up"

Then the second example; If a blind person passes by and hits a wall. What is the reason for that? Because he is blind, he doesn't know. So as a result of not knowing, they hit the wall. Because he doesn't know, he falls into the river, and because he doesn't know, he falls into the ravine.

Now it's the same, people don't know the importance of religion, so they focus on the worldly. Our hearts are filled with unimportant things, so we forget the important things. For example, because we just want to drink coffee, because we are focused, we leave our children playing until they fall down. Drinking coffee is not foolishness, but when you let a child fall, it is foolishness. Enjoying the world is not foolishness, but if because of that we leave doing good, that is foolishness.

That's what it's called; you shouldn't get carried away with the life of the world. The question is, why do you get carried away? Yes, because you see a lot. For example, I have a brother who is a deputy regent, a friend who is a governor, or an official. Don't look at them for too long, for fear of becoming happy.

For example, if you see an official driving an Alphart car, someone opens the door. Then he said; "it's good to be an official like that". Now that sentence enters the mind "it's good to be a person like that, riding in a car someone opens the door", while those who see it remain poor, poor.

So that later in the afterlife on the day of retribution, for example, the official who rode the alphart turned out to be corrupt and went to hell, those who saw it also went to hell. Because the official enjoyed the alphart so much that he forgot about the hereafter, while those who saw it also wished like that. Because the point is the same, going to hell together. Then there are people who worship the poor, and never say "how good that person's worship is". In fact, worship is what makes people go to heaven. Then because of that, when asked in the afterlife; "have you ever wished to be a person who worships" You don't answer.

But when asked, did you ever dream of living a luxurious life, you will.

Now all of this is so that you know and can do tips on how, so that you don't become a loser, a person who lives but doesn't live.


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